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Have you ever heard that voice deep inside you, questioning the reason for your existence...and why you should go on? © Joe Fazio(brief renderings) Joe Fazioh...
As long as there is hunger and poverty, how can man sleep? Should we not share our bread with the gaunt face of the hungry? Can we ever rest as long as one lie...
Most of mans greatest discoveries and his most important decisions are made in solitude. © Joe Fazio(brief renderings) Joe Faziohttp://www.poemhunter.com/poe...
With the perplexities of co-habitation, I have chosen to live unto myself. Here, in my island of peace, I gather the flowers of the field found only in the be...
The alcohol has closed my eyes. My breathing is heavy and my thoughts are of you. Not long ago, you went to sleep and never woke up. There are some that know,...